Grip for Gloss-W Prime window squeegee

Plastic grip for Gloss-W Prime window squeegee with Italian thread

Componente di ricambio del tergivetro.


Product made of separable materials and, consequently, recyclable at the end of its life
Product sold in packaging compliant with Legislative Decree 116 of 03-09-2020 concerning the obligation of environmental labeling for correct disposal at the end of use. 99% of the cardboard packaging used by the company is made on average with 80% recycled paper

  • Allungata e leggera per una presa ergonomica e pratica
  • Il sistema di fissaggio del supporto in acciaio tramite pinza garantische una tenuta salda
  • Con pratico e veloce sistema di sostituzione della lamina, senza sgancio del supporto in acciaio
L'attacco con filetto fissa il prodotto saldamente al manico evitando pericolosi sganci
  • Compatible with Uni-Connect: system that allows you to quickly and easily connect the same handle to any cleaning tool, quickly switching from one tool to another (mop holder, window squeegee, duster...)
  • Può essere utilizzata con manici con filetto, aste con cono Uni-Connect ø 21 mm e manici telescopici con cono Uni-Connect ø 23 mm

Compatible with Uni-Connect system

Polyamide and POM

9861 100,0060,18

End cone for Uni-Connect system

Two-piece pole with Uni-Connect cone

Window squeegee channel

Characteristics and applications


Product made of separable materials and, consequently, recyclable at the end of its life
Product sold in packaging compliant with Legislative Decree 116 of 03-09-2020 concerning the obligation of environmental labeling for correct disposal at the end of use. 99% of the cardboard packaging used by the company is made on average with 80% recycled paper

  • Allungata e leggera per una presa ergonomica e pratica
  • Il sistema di fissaggio del supporto in acciaio tramite pinza garantische una tenuta salda
  • Con pratico e veloce sistema di sostituzione della lamina, senza sgancio del supporto in acciaio
L'attacco con filetto fissa il prodotto saldamente al manico evitando pericolosi sganci
  • Compatible with Uni-Connect: system that allows you to quickly and easily connect the same handle to any cleaning tool, quickly switching from one tool to another (mop holder, window squeegee, duster...)
  • Può essere utilizzata con manici con filetto, aste con cono Uni-Connect ø 21 mm e manici telescopici con cono Uni-Connect ø 23 mm

Compatible with Uni-Connect system

Polyamide and POM

Technical table

9861 100,0060,18

Related products


End cone for Uni-Connect system

Two-piece pole with Uni-Connect cone

Window squeegee channel