Correctly sanitizing the classrooms is the only way to prevent the diffusion of pathogens, very frequent in schools: it is essential to adopt equipment suitable to this delicate task, in order to ensure cleaner and healthier environments.
The priority is to keep the risk of contagion under control, to preserve everyone’s health: to this end, Filmop has designed a wide range of products that facilitate daily cleaning and sanitization activities.
Guaranteeing a clean, safe and healthy environment is Filmop’s priority: this is why it has designed a series of professional systems ensuring a deep cleaning and a high level of hygiene.
For a fast and efficient dry mopping, use the professional scissor system, which collects and traps dust in one single pass. The scissor system employs special flat fringes that ensure an optimal collection.
The ideal system to clean and sanitize small environments, such as classrooms and labs: Unilav, an innovative tool with a functional tank, always ready for use and ideal for prompt interventions.