
The whole world has been facing a sanitary emergency that has required to take even stricter measures to struggle against the spreading of Covid-19 in order to protect the health of the entire community.

During this delicate phase it is very important to follow the hygienic rules given by the World Health Organization (WHO), not only keeping the environments strictly cleaned and disinfected but also ensuring hand hygiene.


On this basis, Filmop has developed new highly professional solutions that favor the maintenance of high hygiene level, nowadays a matter of primary importance: the trolleys of the Alpha, Alpha Hotel and Morgan lines can be equipped with practical hand disinfectant holders and disposable gloves to prevent the dangerous transmission of viruses and bacteria.


The new range of accessories guarantees the safety of the environment and health protection as the necessary means are immediately available to avoid contamination of surfaces and infection of people passing through the areas.

Practical and convenient, they contain the most disinfectant bottles and glove packs to have them always at hand. Moreover, they are made of stainless steel for maximum strength and durability, representing an excellent long-term investment.
